Introduction: Dumbledore, McGonagall, Draco Malfoy Christmas Ornaments

I contrive happening making a caboodle of chivvy potter themed ornaments for my Xmas Tree this year. I attempted to make a Dumbledore, McGonagall and Draco Malfoy ornament . McGonagall looks a little severe only that's only because she is next to Draco :P

Step 1: Materials.

You will need:

  1. Three Christmas balls (same size)
  2. Acrylic Paints: Malus pumila Barrelful's Sunkissed Peach (skin tone) / Grey / Whitened / Green
  3. Sharpie Marker - Black
  4. Green Felt Sheet (addressable at any craft store)
  5. Light Beige Yarn (for Draco's whiske)
  6. Elmer's Glue
  7. Hot glue gun
  8. Scissors and Pencil
  9. Mod Podge - Gloss

Footprint 2: Machinate and Design Your Ornaments.

  1. Pass over the ornaments with a diaper to remove dust. Paint a layer of Sunkissed Peach on all 3 and countenance dry for 20 mins. Sum up 1-2 more layers and let dry.
  2. Use a pencil to lightly tie external body part details:
    • For Dumbledore: Pencil in 2 eyes, and a bit sliver for a lip.
    • Depict a line towards the top of the ornament for his detonating device.
    • Pencil in half moon wrought specs a little infra the eyes.
    • For McGonagall: Pencil in 2 circles for eyes. Draw a line in between for eyelids with two curves at the remnant indicating lashes.
    • Draw brows and a curve for the mouth.
    • Towards the as of the beautif, draw the line to show a sweater.
    • Along either side of the eyes draw curved lines going downward (this will be the hair).
    • For Draco: Pull up brows, and circular eyes aslope at the ends to give a wicked aspect.
    • Draw a stoc at the bottom to argue a scarf. Inside the product line, draw lines to indicate strips.
    • Draw a downward tilting mouth.

Whole tone 3: Procedure: for Dumbledore.

  1. Aft penciling in all your facial inside information, employment a grim sharpy to crisscross the eyes.
  2. Use white paint to color in his hair's-breadth and beard (which covers about 75% of the entire adorn)
  3. Use grey paint to sum glasses and a small cap. Let dry for 10 mins.
  4. Masking the entire decorate in gloss modernistic podge and let dry for 20 mins (optional).

Step 4: Procedure: for McGonagall.

  1. Use a dirty cardsharper to adumbrate the eyes and lashes.
  2. Cut down a leaf normal from the green felt and trend that leaf in half (as shown in images).
  3. Enjoyment the hot glue gun to confiscate one incomplete of felt up to one side of the ornament, making information technology look like the rim of a hat.
  4. Supplement the past half.
  5. Celebrate adding pieces of matt-up until you get a hat shape on the ornament. Let the glue dry.
  6. Use grey paint to highlight the brows and the mouth. Add a small thin line of grey under the eys to give an visual aspect of old historic period.
  7. Color in the eyes using the black cardsharper.
  8. Mix up the grey with a emotional black to get a darker greyness for the pilus.
  9. LET everything dry and add a layer of polish mod podge (optional).

Step 5: Operation: for Draco Malfoy.

  1. Cut out the beige narration in to small strips. Use Elmer's mucilage to attach each strip on meridian of the ornament (see images).
  2. Keep repeating until you have a uniform layer of hair (you might have to add 1-2 layers of strips). Let the glue prohibitionist completely for 30 mins.
  3. Use white paint to highlight the eye sockets. Once dry, use the sharpie or ignominious rouge to add eyeballs with a cant.
  4. Use grey paint to sate in the mouth and alternating strips happening the scarf.
  5. Fill the remaining strips with political party.

And on that point you go. Three characters to add to your Potter themed tree :)

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