
Exclusive: Game Insight crafting Cloud Raiders for Windows Phone and Windows 8

Exclusive: Game Insight announces Cloud Raiders for Windows Phone and Windows 8

We've just reviewed Aerodrome City, the latest Windows Phone 8 and Windows viii release from international publisher Game Insight. Observant readers will notice a pattern with Game Insight's mobile Windows releases: three out of their four games are pure city builders. The fourth game Dominion the Kingdom is sort of a urban center builder/RPG hybrid.

Clearly metropolis building is Game Insight's specialty – these titles are doing very well for them on Windows Phone and Windows 8. But you do need something to differentiate one of these games from the oversupply, particularly when they all come from the aforementioned publisher. As luck would accept it, Game Insight'due south next title Deject Raiders adds something really cool to the mix: fantasy-based strategic battles. Read on for exclusive news and impressions!

Eyes in the clouds

To date, Game Insight'due south mobile Windows titles include: My Country, Rule the Kingdom, 2022: My Country, and Airport City. The publisher recently announced that its Windows Telephone and Windows eight titles have collectively reached five one thousand thousand players – a adequately big number given Windows Phone's underdog status on the market.

The big GI should attain even more players when Cloud Raiders arrives on the market. Cloud Raiders takes place in a world of floating islands, not unlike Activision'due south Skylanders serial. At the outset, players go stranded on i of those islands by evil sky pirates. They'll then have to build a base in guild to proceed those pirates at bay and have back some boodle in the process.

Establishing a settlement works the same as in other urban center edifice games, though the buildings hither serve a more military purpose. Your main edifice is the stronghold; upgrading it volition unlock a variety of new items. The boondocks besides needs buildings to extract and store two soft currencies: gold and clouds. These 2 resources are required to create and upgrade news structures as well as produce military units.

In social club to defend your base, you'll need to recruit various types of soldiers and business firm them in bunkers. They can then exist deployed when invading ships reach the island. Enemy forces often come in larger numbers, though. That'southward where cannons come in. Place them strategically and so they tin burn down upon the invaders who hack abroad at your buildings. A large cannon can exist aimed at specific targets besides, but it takes time to recharge between shots.

Protecting your base is just part of the fun in Cloud Raiders. Each fourth dimension the AI attacks, players tin can choose to take revenge on the enemy'due south base. You'll send up to xx soldiers on these raids, receiving golden, clouds, and experience if they win the battle. Players can even attack each other'southward bases, for which the victor will gain an additional currency chosen Valor.

Windows specifics

Cloud Raiders is already available on Android, where information technology supports deject saves via Facebook integration. As nosotros mentioned in our Aerodrome City review, Game Insight'south mobile Windows titles haven't supported cloud saving so far. Just the publisher is actively working on bringing the feature to its existing Windows Phone and Windows 8 titles.

In fact, the Windows Phone version of Cloud Raiders will launch with the same cloud save back up via Facebook as its Android blood brother. No more than worrying about salvage data loss; just play with an online connexion and you'll be aureate. In fact, save information and multiplayer features will fifty-fifty be cross-platform compatible with the Android version!

Game Insight likewise plans to bring Cloud Raiders to Windows viii and RT, just the tablet version volition make it after the phone game. The programmer is currently revamping the game'southward graphics to have advantage of the higher resolution displays of PCs and tablets. (The current Android version's art is slightly depression resolution, much like Airport Metropolis.) The Windows 8 and RT versions will share cloud salvage data with Windows Phone and Android as well, so the wait will definitely be worth information technology.

We don't have an estimated release date for Deject Raiders nevertheless, but the game is going into beta soon. Keep checking back at Windows Phone Central for more Deject Raider news also as commencement discussion on the other title Game Insight has in the works… We'll share those details as soon as we can!


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