
How to make all windows open maximized or full-screen in Windows 10

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Most of the time, when a user launches an application, they make it full screen. When in full screen, users go the maximum benefit and work area when required. Instead of doing information technology manually every time, you lot can choose to launch some of them as full-screen applications. This post guides on how yous can make all windows open maximized e'er in Windows 11/10

Brand all windows open up maximized or full-screen

Before nosotros commencement, the Total Screen of any application means you lot don't see any buttons or address bar on the height. All you lot see is the content of the awarding. Then, even if your app or window is taking all the screen, information technology is even so not full screen.

  1. Launch Program using a Shortcut
  2. Employ Maximize Always tool
  3. Keyboard shortcut

i] Launch Programme using a Shortcut

Make all windows open maximized or full-screen

This method works only for applications for which you tin can create a shortcut.

  • Discover the program in the Start
  • Right-click on it > More than > Open File location
  • Once you notice it, right-click on it, and select Send To > Desktop (Create Shortcut)
  • At present right-click on it, select properties.
  • Under the Shortcut tab, click on the dropdown next to the Run section in the Properties window.
  • Select Maximised and and then apply the changes.

Once done, when yous double click on the shortcut, the program will launch maximized.

This method will work with most of the applications, including Microsoft Office products. However, information technology would help if you created the shortcut by finding the original EXE file. It as well means information technology will not work with the Microsoft Shop application.

2] Use Maximize Always tool

Make all windows open maximized or full-screen

Maximize Always is a free tool that tin can launch almost any awarding in the full screen once you add it to the listing. Once installed, you can name the awarding and so add together it to the programme. In one case washed, you lot can right-click on the application in the organization tray and select the plan to launch.

Then that'south the simply downside of the procedure. Every time you want to launch an application in full screen, you can utilise this. If you practise not want to do that, launch it from the Showtime carte du jour or Taskbar.

You can download information technology from

3] Keyboard shortcut

If you desire to have more than control over your application on how it opens, and then a single key on your keyboard can make any window or at least supports the Maximize selection. Printing F11 on the keyboard and any application will go completely full-screen.

If you are using a laptop or keyboard which comes with a special Role cardinal (Fn), and so you may need to employ Fn+F11.

For your information, you lot cannot have two full-screen applications adjacent on one monitor. But y'all can split the application to run it next. Tools such as PowerToys come up with a split-screen feature, and you can use them for free.

Related: How to run Microsoft Shop apps in total-screen mode.

Bonus Tips:

  • To minimize all the open up windows, you can use Win+Grand.
  • Press Win+Shift Key+1000 for maximizing them all.
  • If you merely desire to minimize the current window, concur downwards Windows Key and printing the downwardly pointer key.
  • If you want to maximize the same window, agree Windows Key and press upward arrow key.

I hope the mail service helps you open applications in full-screen mode when you lot launch it.

open window maximized


Ashish is a veteran Windows, and Xbox user who excels in writing tips, tricks, and features on it to improve your twenty-four hour period to day experience with your devices.


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