
Nokia Smart Cam app released on the Windows Phone Store, but it won’t work on your Lumia yet

Nokia Smart Cam

Ane of the big new features of the Lumia 925, which is now actually in people'southward hands for purchase in the UK and a select few other territories, is the updated photographic camera algorithms and new functionality. All of that is encompassed in the so-called 'Amber update', which is Nokia's name for their inbound firmware change destined for all Windows Phone 8 Lumias later this summertime.

One of those new features is the power to run the Smart Cam app, which enables such cool camera tricks equally motion blur, 10-frame activity shots and more.

The skillful news is that app is at present available in the Nokia Collection and yep, you tin can download information technology right now for your Lumia phone. The bad news is when launched, you'll be greeted with a reminder that this app can't quite run on your non-Lumia 925 just yet, because you don't have that firmware update.

And so close, yet and then far, fellow Windows Phone Lumia users. From the app description:

"Nokia Smart Photographic camera shoots a sequence of photos, making it easier to capture great moments. Either choose your Best Shot or combine the photos into 1 picture using these amazing features":

  • Motility Focus – add mistiness to emphasize motion
  • Action Shot – add together a strobe effect to show action
  • Remove Moving Objects – remove unwanted objects
  • Change Faces – choose the all-time faces for smashing group shots
  • Apply an upshot right abroad, or save the sequence to edit it later on. When yous're done, share your pictures direct with friends.

Nokia Smart Cam

Exclusively for Nokia Lumia

  • New Effect – Motion Focus
  • The final edit session for each of the v Smart Camera Effects (All-time Shot, Action Shot, Move Focus, Change Faces, Remove Object) will be saved and so you tin continue subsequently.
  • Speed Improvements

Nosotros don't accept any house details on when the PR2.0 (aka Amber) update is coming, but we do know that it will as well have the Bone update, which is named GDR2 to tag along with it. If we had to guess, we'd be aiming for a July /August release as carriers obviously come up into play, causing delays hither and in that location.

For at present, if you really want to grab the app, you lot can follow this link or scan the QR code below. Make sure yous watch our hands on demo of the Amber update in a higher place to see what your Lumia 920 (and other Lumias) will be getting in a few short weeks. At to the lowest degree if you do own a Lumia 925, in case you uninstall the Smart Cam app, you can at present hands reinstall it.

Via: SmartPhoneFrance; Thanks, Elie Due south., for the tip

QR: Smart Cam


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