
Windows Phone Game Review: Snake of Balls

Snake of Balls for Windows Phone

Serpent of Assurance is Windows Phone game that is designed in the tradition of the archetype Snake game. Serpent of Assurance calls for you to guide and grow your snake through a multiple level, 3D maze. You lot grow your serpent past gobbling up colored assurance that are scattered almost the maze. As you lot collect the assurance, the length of your snake increases making maneuvering a lot more challenging.

Snake of Assurance has potential and one time you go the hang of controlling move, information technology can be a rather challenging and entertaining game.

Snake of Balls main menu has options to play the game, access the game's options and the almost screen. Options embrace sound, music, camera pitch and coil, and a few display options (under the advanced menu). The one glaring omission with Snake of Assurance is a Help/How to menu. The game isn't difficult to effigy out but it would have been nice to have the simplest Help Section to outline what everything on the game screen represents.  There are pop-up tips that appear from fourth dimension to time only the data is rather limited.

Snake of Balls

The screen layout has the game played from a first person point of view. You motion your snake around by tilting your Windows Phone left, right, up and down. Along the top of screen you'll find your snake's length and lives. In the bottom correct corner of the screen you have an overhead map of the level of the maze you are currently on.

You also have the options for a heads up display that volition show a compass, altimeter and target on the screen. These options, likewise as the map (radar) can be turned off in the Options Card.

The physics engine driving Snake of Balls is nice and you need to be conscientious that your tail doesn't swing out in front of you lot. Each time you hit your tail, you lose a life. You know the story from there, lose all your lives and the games over.

You lot tin employ corners and pillars to straighten your tail out and to assist avoid hitting your backside.  The concluding three sections of your snake torso volition be highlighted in red on the map/radar to alert y'all when it's coming around.

As you work your way up the maze levels, navigation becomes more challenging. Asides from walls and pillars to navigate effectually you face holes in the flooring to avert.

All in all, Snake of Assurance is a decent game for your Windows Telephone. Controlling your serpent body does have a piffling practice and can exist frustrating at times.  The only downside is the lack of a Help/How To section to assist yous kickoff the game on the right foot.

There is a trial version of Serpent of Assurance available that will permit you play the outset level. The full version of Snake of Balls volition run you $ane.99 and yous can find both here at the Windows Phone Market.

QR: Snake of Balls


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