Source: Stocksy

Is there any feel more than dreaded than deciding how to split the beak at brunch or budgeting where to become for a bachelorette weekend? Not that I know of, except for maybe a PAP smear or request that new guy you're dating "where things are going." But like it or not, when it comes to most types of relationships, money plays a large function. Information technology influences the activities y'all practise, where you eat, and the general tone of your friendships. And what if the coin dynamics are out of residual? Well, things tin can get awkward—fast. So what'southward a girl to practise when 1 friend rolls up to happy hr with the newest iPhone while another is working two jobs merely to make rent? But don't worry, there'southward hope for your group! Here are some tips to help navigate those stressful and bad-mannered moments.

Recognize that the Situation is Normal

First, take a deep breath and realize that this is a super common scenario among friend groups. Unless you met your friends at piece of work or an industry-specific networking event, it's unlikely everyone volition be bringing dwelling house the aforementioned income—let alone be comfortable spending it the aforementioned way. It's e'er been very normal to have a wide range of salaries in a friend group (cue the infamous Friends scene below that was filmed over 25 years ago!). Someone working equally a teacher is probable going to make a different amount than her friend who is a freelance jewelry designer or an investment banker. People may as well exist in different stages of their career, which volition impact their financial situation as well.

Don't Make Assumptions

Glassdoor is a powerful thing, then as well are stereotypes about specific roles and industries. Unless you and your friends have spoken about how much each person makes, try to concur off on making any assumptions or doing investigative research online. Your architect friend might accept a not bad salary only also a ton of educatee debt she is working on paying off. Meanwhile, your artist friend might be absolutely killing it with her Etsy sales and contributing steadily to her retirement business relationship. Information technology tin can be easy to assume someone has or doesn't have a lot of money based on their job title, visitor, or pedagogy, but that thinking can gradually impact your human relationship if you convince yourself you know someone else'due south financial story.

Get-go a Chat nigh Financial Goals

Instead of jumping correct into talking about how much you make with your friends, kickoff by casually discussing general financial goals next time y'all grab java together. This will relieve some of the pressure if you oasis't brought upwards the money topic earlier and requite your friends insight into your situation as well. Perhaps someone is cutting back on their happy hour budget to save for a down payment while someone else is trying their hand at negotiating their new bacon for the first fourth dimension or saving up for a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Financial goals aren't e'er tied to salaries, and you might even find that you and your friends are working toward the same goals and can share tips and strategies. This can be a great, not-judgmental way to beginning conversations around finances that can assist everyone understand each other'due south behaviors and motivations.

Brainstorm New Activities

If you're the one with extra to spend, be mindful to non always advise activities with an expensive price tag. While you lot may exist dying to try that new vegan brunch spot, your friend might non love spending $27 + tax and tip on gluten-free pancakes that she could have made at home for much less. Try changing up your routine and incorporating things like coffee dates, window shopping, or an at-habitation pic night. Amend yet, host a potluck and have everyone bring one thing, and then rotate where you meet upwards. These low-cost activities can exist just as fun and made to fit all budgets!

Alternatively, if you're the one in the friendship with a flake less money to spend on activities, exist strategic about what yousdo spend on. If you and your friends honey concerts, propose skipping brunch or happy hours in favor of saving upwards to see your favorite performer together. If yous're all working toward a common goal of a truly memorable feel, information technology tin take abroad the sting of saving on other activities.

Set a Budget

If you start booking a bachelorette or girls' trip without aligning on what everyone is able to beget, you'll detect someone going full Bridesmaids and punching a giant heart-shaped cookie in no time. It'southward e'er best to start whatsoever kind of planning for a BFF activeness or trip by talking well-nigh the budget and aligning on what people value spending coin on. Volition you be splitting the bill for a cheaper grouping hotel room to be able to splurge on food? Is one person comfortable footing the neb for alcohol if someone else covers the limo or evening amusement costs? If these elements aren't agreed upon in advance, you can quickly find yourself condign resentful, and that can ruin the whole experience. A little fleck of upfront work earlier booking volition brand sure everyone is on the same folio and can avoid whatever surprise bills downwardly the route.

Be Honest

As much every bit we wish it weren't the case, finances have a say in almost every relationship. If you're finding that being on different pages financially with your friends is starting to drive a wedge between yous—or is making you feel bad about your situation—take stock of the relationship and run across what you can practise to make it meliorate. Sometimes, an honest conversation is all that's needed. If y'all're shut with your friends and feel comfortable, open a canteen of wine and have the bacon conversation to be fully transparent about where anybody stands. If you're not at that place with your grouping nevertheless (which is 100% normal, meet tip #one!), you tin always casually bring upwards that you want to save more money when hanging out and offering suggestions for new activities to effort. Alternatively, if you're looking to spend more on certain activities, bring that up as well to come across if your friends are feeling the aforementioned way.

With a little chip of thoughtfulness and an open heed, you can find a balance that works for everyone'south budgets, regardless of how much yous each make. Income differences might always exist, merely they certainly don't take to be an ongoing outcome for you and your friends. So cascade your girlfriends a drinking glass of chardonnay (or cup of tea) and become chatting!